Friday, October 1, 2010

Where my ladies at?

You guessed it... Last night I had dinner with my favorite girls!

Talk about much needed girl time! Even us wives and mommy's need to step out and reconnect with other women! Although we end up chatting about the one thing we stepped away from... our loved ones!

We enjoyed some wonderful dinner at Cheesecake Factory and some great conversation.
How wonderful is it to have a group of women who not only are a part of my family but are true sisters!
Each of us so unique, passionate, loving, hard working and so willing to be there for each other at a drop of a dime.

God has sure blessed me with so many wonderful women in my life, women who I learn from each and everyday. There is blessings hidden in all the people in your life! But to have women in your own family who love you and accept you for who you are is a gift in it self.

Last night I realized how wonderful God's timing is and how being reunited only helps to keep the family closer. There is so much going on around us, it feels likes our schedules are non-stop, me specially.
But how wonderful to know that not only do I have these women there to hear me and love me and pray for me but also to keep me accountable spiritually!

To all my ladies who I learn from each and every day ( You know who you are) I thank God for each of you. I am truly blessed :)

So to answer my question... Where my ladies at? They are right there with me by my side on this journey called Motherhood!

Luv you all!



  1. Love that, Gina! How fortunate you are indeed to have these women in your own family. I think the support in my family is from a distance. Has always been. It has been impossible to bring everyone together to do any one thing together ... ever. All that matters to me has never been something they cared for so I'm kind of alone in that regard BUT I have God and I have great girlfriends so I feel blessed anyway. Maybe if I had a united family, I wouldn't have so many awesome friends. :-) <3 Thanks for being one of them! XOXO

  2. My dear Narah, you my dear are someone I consider not only to be my friend but my Mentor and sister in Christ. I have such a thirst to learn from other women, specially God fearing woman to guide me and inspire me to be better.

    God is so wise in how he perfectly brings people in our lives the moment we need them the most.

    Such is my case with you, I thank the Lord for our friendship and our sisterhood :) I have been blessed by each and every one of our chats and your Faith and Love for God inspires me to seek the Lord even more.

    Keep on shinning for Jesus my friend!

    XoXo, Gina
