Friday, November 18, 2011


So wow so much has happened since I blogged a few months ago.
Don't know if I can ever begin or even finish sharing exactly but what I can say is that God continues to guide my every step.

So much continues to unfold in my life, and as hard as it has been in the past, I feel as though my faith is renewed with every developing chapter in my life.

As I close one chapter of a life I lead for 10 years, I now get to start an updated version of it and embrace all and everything God has for me. Nothing is guaranteed in life, not even our own life. We can only embrace our life and place God first and take each punch that life may swing your way. I used to fear so many things, and although I was a Christian, I truly had not been set free from so many things from my past. I created a bubble in which I lived in and believed so many lies the enemy had made me believe about myself and my life.

Jesus already had paid the price, has risen and defeated death all for his love for us, me. I did not truly understand the depth of this amazing truth.

So now my focus is in truly going where God leads me to go. I continue to see God's hand in my life, moving at the speed of lighting.

I tried going the path I thought was best and it lead me no where. So now I have humbled myself to let Him lead me and show me which road to take. Ever since then, my life has never been the same. I truly whole heartily surrendered my life to him and as hard as that was, I have never felt better, more free and with over bounding peace.

God is good...better than anything I have ever experienced.

I love my life just the way it is, as it is how it is supposed to be. I love my God, my children, my job, my daily walk with God, my ministry and even the bumps along the way, as they strengthen my walk and my faith in God.

Good things are coming...this I know. Bigger and Better things...truly incredible life changing things are coming. Ahhhh I smell it, I envision it and I can't wait to experience all God has for me.

Thank you Jesus for loving me this much...

In His Grip,


Monday, November 7, 2011

Turning 3-0 (The best is yet to come)

My Big 30

Yes, it is here.
As I embrace this new era of my life I share with you 30 words to describe
 my past, present and future:

1-Follower of Christ
6-World Travelor
7- Mother of two
9-Youth Camp Speaker
10-Bible Club Founder
11- Prayer Warrior
12-Bible Teacher
15-Risk Taker
16-Mary Kay Beauty Consultant
17-Community Service
18-Woman of Influence
20-Health Care professional
21-Positive Thinker
22- Ministry builder
23- Single Again
25-Experienced Miracles
26-Dined at sea
28-Faith builder
30-Ready for more

Lord may you bless me with at least one more day to live in your grace and live out the purpose you have made me to live for.

I'm ready for all that you have for me oh Lord!

Embracing my 30's,


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Catching Up is Hard to Do

Perseverence is something we must learn to have each and everyday.
I know that there are days when we just can't or when things fail and we are left with no energy to continue.

I feel that aside from running my own race, we all run a diferent race, and sometimes people misunderstand that concept. Some people are so caught up on their own that they tend to push you aside to get to their own destination.

What I have learned is that we have to treat people with respect and love and be consistent with them.
We must respect others as they try to run their own journey in life and not try to re-direct their path simply because you think it may be the wrong one.

So run your race with your head on high and try not to knock others down.

You never know when you may need that person you just knocked down.

Such is life!

Peace and Love to all!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lorenzin's Curls had to go!

My sweet Lorenzin is about to turn 1 next month!

I know shut the front door... it has gone way too fast!
So below I have added a before and after picture of 
 Mr. Lorenzo Moran



He's such a big boy!
 He is so active and loves to speed through the house on his walker
which by the way he is about to outgrow!

So yes ladies and gentlemen, Lorenzin's curls HAD TO  GO!

I have to say I love the fact that he got MY set of hair!
A true blessing , he he he :)

Stay tuned as we prepare for Lorenzin's Big 1st Birthday next month!

I can't wait :)