Monday, October 18, 2010

God is Working are You?

What an incredible past week, filled with so many confirmations from God.

I feel so privileged to witness all that God is showing me everyday. I feel Him actively working in my personal and family life. He's surrounding me with "key" people and showing me "new paths" to take.

As I approach my 29th Birthday on November 4, I feel as though God has been preparing me for this new year that is to come. Big things are coming, and I honestly feel that the blessings that are to come will not affect me but so many around me.

When God starts working in your life He does it slowly and carefully..he allows people to enter our lives to strengthen our faith, and help us be molded into the person He created us to be.

It is so easy to dwell on the negativity around us and the negative impact it can have in our lives, but if we are to put even the negative into perspective, we can see that there is  GOOD even in the negative.

I have spoken to some amazing women this past week who have confirmed the blessings they received from going through pain and tribulations. What an encouragement to me and all those who take the time to listen.

We are all students in this life and we should be wise in listening to the wisdom people have learned and share the wisdom we our selves have gained from experiencing the difficulties in our lives.

Again, it's a purification process, a slow and steady process where we can go to the Father and ask for him to shows us his plan and purpose for each situation we experience.

I have felt the Lord working in my life and He in return wants me to work as well.

My faithful reader, have you experienced such a thing in your life?
Do you feel that something "greater" is calling you to act in a certain way? Or to be "open" to believe in something greater than you?

That my friends, is God gently trying to reach out to you.

The bible says that "man was created out of God's own image" He created us and with that being said, we were designed to have a personal relationship with Him our creator.

I can honestly say that having this personal relationship is the best decision I have ever make. It will change your life inside out, because God changes us from the inside out.

The joy you experience is indescribable and all I can say is that even when the good gets bad, I have Him to carry me though it.

I pray you have a wonderful week and that you take the time to change your perspective if you are experiencing some type of difficulty with a situation or a person. Try to analyze the bigger picture and how not getting what you expected or being shut out of something you had your heart in, is a confirmation that this was not part of the plan that God has for you. We must embrace the closed doors as they may be simply an act of "protection" rather than of   "rejection".

Just a few things to keep in mind my friends!

Be blessed,


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