Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Painting my world PINK!

The color Pink has totally changed my life.
I no longer see my world black or white but rather Pink!
I am so excited :)
God has been doing some amazing things in my life,
and I cannot believe I have not blogged since my birthday! Ahhh ::laughs::

But how AMAZING this past month has been
and I can't wait to spill the good news!

Aside from God continuing His work in me,
 I am now seeing the ramafications of the seeds
I've planted along the way :)

God has blessed me with the opportunity to start my very own business! Yes Me :)
I now run and operate my very own business as an
Independent Skin Care Consultant
 with the #1 brand in the U.S. Mary Kay

I now have the opportunity to change the way women see themselves and show them their true beauty from the inside out.

How wonderful to be able to invest in people. We invest is so much with things that do not fill us, but now Mary Kay has given me the opportunity to meet women everywhere I go and share some love and bring a smile to their faces.
I get to do that... by investing in their lives :)

Mary Kay Ash built this company with this motto
" God first, Family second and Career third"

If we place our priorities in order everything works perfectly.
I have placed God first in my life and now everything is going according to God's plan.

I am so excited that I can share about God's love and sprinkle

Mary Kay everywhere I go.

God continues to do miracles in my life and
 He's not done yet.

My faith is in HIM and I know I will achieve my Dreams!

I am stepping out of my comfort zone and reaching for the stars :)

And with God by my side I will achive my dreams!

Thank you Lord for all that you do and all that you Will do!

So don't be surprised when you see me with my

Pink Cadillac...

The pink cadi's go to all consultants that get to a director status!
So guess where I'm aiming at... Director baby!
Beep Beep...

 I choose live my days living to share God's love
and Painting my world Pink!

Characteristics of a Mary Kay Consultant:

Thinking Pink,
Gina Moran

Visit my website: www.marykay.com/ginam